Chris Robinson | Breakfast

Calls for Art

Please review our current calls below, including opportunities for solo shows. Upcoming calls are announced through the weekly newsletter!

If you’re interested in a solo show/exhibition, check out your opportunities and apply!


  • En Plein Air!

    Deadline: July 21 (by 11:59pm)
    Open to members & non-members

    This open call is seeking any and all artwork created en plein air! A French expression meaning to paint outdoors, artwork created en plein air aims to capture the ephemeral effects of light as moments in space and time.

    Nature in its quiet, or dramatic gestures, people captured in private moments in public places, street scenes capturing the interplay of buildings, sun, shadows, textures, humanity in movement - all are encouraged!

  • NAA's Annual Art Auction

    The Annual Art Auction is the NAA’s largest single event and most critical fundraiser of the year. It is an opportunity to showcase artists to our collectors and highlight our programs, while raising crucial funds for the operating budget. We invite our community of artists to participate by answering this call for donations of artwork. There are artist benefits for those juried into the Auction, so take a look to see if this is a good fit for you and your practice. Thank you!!