Virtual Tour of the NAA Galleries

Newburyport Art is pleased to provide a virtual tour of its Mural and Hartson Galleries. Access to these spaces (especially the Hartson Gallery) is not easy in our old building, but with a gift by an anonymous donor coupled with funding by the H. Patterson Hale, Jr. Charitable Foundation, we are excited to unveil a new initiative. We hope this will enable just a bit more access, putting a spotlight on our recently renovated and beautiful Hartson Gallery, and all of the wonderful artwork that fills the space!

All members of Newburyport Art — whether artist or community members — have access to a full building virtual tour through their member portal! (Not a member? Sign up today!)

We hope to secure future support from partners, sponsors, and volunteers in order to maintain this initiative, as well as further enhance it for the benefit of our artists and greater community.